It'south 1 of the most realistic games on the market — excluding the newly discovered vomit roping — so it only makes sense that Red Expressionless Redemption 2 players can gain weight based on their diet. Beingness overweight in such a hostile environs does have its downsides, but the liberty to cull Arthur's size is another fun mechanic that makes you lot tip your hat to Rockstar.

Heavy Players Can Take More Hits, Skinny Players Have More Stamina

The furnishings of gaining weight in Cherry-red Expressionless Redemption 2 aren't just corrective. If you opt for an Arthur that is on the heavier side of the scale, you'll run into a meaning reduction in your stamina. This means that rigorous activities will require him to stop more often than usual. However, he can really take more damage than his underweight counterpart.

A malnourished, skinny Arthur will come across an increase in his stamina but a subtract in how much damage he can withstand. If Arthur's weight is 'just correct,' he volition split the divergence between these ii builds — that is, he will take a moderate corporeality of both stamina and wellness.

Gain Weight By Eating More Food Than Idea Humanly Possible

via Reddit u/Danky-Kang-Jr

If you've decided to majority upwards Arthur, there'south a fleck of a long slog ahead of you lot. Just like in the real-world, massive weight gains don't happen overnight. Instead of simply eating meals to restore your cores, y'all'll want to indulge in equally much nutrient every bit possible. This ways multiple meals a day for many days in a row.

Arthur'south on a strict overeating routine — if you miss a couple of meals, or forget to eat loads of food for a couple of days, he's just not going to majority upwardly.

Lose Weight By Only Eating Stew From Your Military camp

via Video Games Source

One time Arthur is super-sized, he can get-go losing weight by restricting his caloric intake. This means he should only eat to restore his cores. The best manner to practise this is by just eating the stew that is made at camp and avoiding everything else. This should exist enough to keep his cores filled while also sloughing off the pounds.

If you want to have the easy style out, simply become sent to jail. By the fourth dimension your sentence is up you'll be ridiculously underweight, all thanks to those atrocious jailhouse meals.

Strike A Balance For An Optimal Arthur

Maintaining a weight that rests between 'bulky' and 'scrawny' is uncomplicated — just eat a few meals a 24-hour interval. Like reality, eating a few meals a day and cutting out the excess is the best manner to manage Arthur's size. This size arguably gives the best gameplay stats, too, as you'll exist able to take advantage of decent damage resistance and a sizable stamina puddle.

Determining Arthur'southward weight in Red Dead Redemption ii is a pick that players shouldn't take lightly. Not simply is it a significant commitment to proceeds or lose weight, merely it also comes with a straight impact on gameplay. Feel free to endeavour running around every bit all 3 torso types earlier yous make a final decision. If you don't similar i, but change his diet and try out the next.

Source: Twinfinite, GameFAQs

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