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  • The Story So Far in Triangle Strategy
  • The Selection to Requite upward Roland in Affiliate 7 of Triangle Strategy
  • The Choice to Protect Roland in Chapter seven of Triangle Strategy
  • Which Choice Should Players Make to Get the All-time Ending In Triangle Strategy?

The Tactics-similar RPG Triangle Strategy is a game of difficult choices. Players will have to choose betwixt two bad options more often than not. The beginning of these is a horrible determination that players will take to make in Chapter 7: whether to give upwardly Roland Glenbrook or non.

The Story So Far in Triangle Strategy

Serenoa and company have finished their commemoration of his and Frederica's upcoming wedlock with all 3 of the kingdoms in Triangle Strategy. While still in celebration mode, a sudden attack hits the gates of the Glenbrook seat of ability: Aefrost has attacked, killing near of Roland's family and leaving him stranded in House Wolffort. Aesfrost's army then descends on Serenoa's household in lodge to outcome a terrible choice: either give up Prince Roland or Aesfrost will destroy House Wolffort.

Upward until this point, players accept just had to brand one choice with Serenoa's Scales of Conviction in Triangle Strategy. While the tutorial option is well-nigh choosing to visit Hyzante or to visit Aesfrost, the choice in chapter seven is a lot harder. Either choice sounds like a terrible plan, and Serenoa'due south friends are split down the middle as to what they should do nearly information technology.

  • Iii friends wish to Prince Roland no matter what in this Tactics-like RPG : Frederica, Hughette, and Erador.
  • Three are also in favor of giving Roland up to Aesfrost: Roland, Bridegroom Pascal, and Geela.
  • Anna is the only one undecided.

The Choice to Surrender Roland in Chapter 7 of Triangle Strategy


While Roland Glenbrook is a good friend in this Switch-exclusive game chosen Triangle Strategy, he believes the best route is to give himself up to the regular army of Aesfrost, saying it is his duty as their Prince to protect the people of Wolffort. He is confronting anyone getting hurt on his business relationship. Therefore, he presses Serenoa to let him go. In order to become a unanimous conclusion, players will have to convince Anna, Frederica, Erador, and Hughette earlier bringing the vote to the Scale. Here are the things Serenoa has to say to convince his friends to change their heed.

  • Anna - "That I may not be able to protect my people from the fires of war I run across on the horizon." So: "So you believe we can defeat Avlora?"
  • Frederica - "Doing and so would save countless lives. This is the merely manner to protect our own."
  • Hughette - "I cannot compel my people to march to their demise for ane man, prince or not."
  • Erador - "I cannot bear to watch the practiced people of the demesne die." And so: "This has goose egg to do with any debt. I make this determination as lord of Business firm Wolffort, and I take responsibility for its issue."

Players volition just have to convince one of these people in order to have the Scales lean toward giving Roland up, and so players shouldn't worry if they are missing ane of the above. If players surrender Roland, he will survive, and so don't worry also much virtually giving him upward. Though Roland volition not be bachelor to level up in the Triangle Strategy Encampment until he returns to the party. If he is surrendered, players will motility onto Chapter Seven, Part 2 - Fate in Flames.

The Choice to Protect Roland in Chapter 7 of Triangle Strategy


While this choice is easier to convince the others to get with, it is the hardest choice in the long run considering players will have to accept on Avlora. In order to convince everyone, Triangle Strategy players will need to choose these dialogue options.

  • Anna - "House Wolffort shrinks from no enemy. We will strategize and fight, as we always have."
  • Roland - "Accept you lot forgotten Ser Maxwell's dying words? Would yous render his noble cede for naught?" And so: "Pray, practice not deny your beloved master his terminal asking."
  • Benedict - "Perhaps the battle is not as hopeless as one might think..." Then: "Is it not together with Roland that we might best protect both demesne and kingdom? Surely that is reason enough!"
  • Geela - "I will non bet the life of our prince - of my friend - on a mere supposition." Then: "Truth exist told, I have a plan... Provided the rumors I've heard are true."

If players cull to take on Aesfrost rather than give Roland upwardly, the side by side section of Chapter Seven volition be chosen: Function Ii - Not a Word, My Friend. They have the option to set the town on burn down to damage Avlora's forces or to have her on without. Either mode, this feels like 1 of the about hard choices in Triangle's Strategy's 40-60 minutes run length.

Which Choice Should Players Brand to Get the All-time Ending In Triangle Strategy?

A scene featuring characters from Triangle Strategy

This choice is a difficult one for players, just they shouldn't worry besides much about it. If players choose to give upwards Roland, that will allow them to get the and then-called Golden Ending. Players tin can nonetheless get the all-time ending if they don't give up Roland, just as long as they don't set the town on burn down. Therefore, players should go with their hearts when choosing whether to give up Roland or keep him safe from Aesfrost. These choices are ane of the all-time things almost Triangle Strategy; they really experience like very important, life-changing choices that can hateful the difference betwixt keeping the world together and having it break apart.

Triangle Strategy is available at present for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Triangle Strategy: Complete Guide & Walkthrough